Oct 31th, 2022
Do to
Go over the schedule
Go over the grading scheme
Brief introduction to the beamer class, https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Beamer
More thorough treatments starts here, https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Beamer_Presentations%3A_A_Tutorial_for_Beginners_(Part_1)%E2%80%94Getting_Started
Brief introduction to Beamer class
The LaTeX Beamer class creates presentation-style documents such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slide.
In the most commonly used LaTeX classes, such as article
or amsart
(this is what we use in class), LaTeX handles page separation.
In the Beamer class, this is done by \begin{frame}
and \end{frame}
That is to have the following outcome
we need to put the content in the frame
In these notes, we used the theme Madrid
with themecolor crane
Preamble and title page
Here is the minimal required code to use the Beamer class and to have the title page.
\usetheme{Madrid} % Use the one you like
\usecolortheme{crane} % Use the one you like
\title{Sample title}
\frame{\titlepage} %This creates the first page
They are self-explantory. For a more advanced setting of the title page, refer to the title page on [here](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Beamer).
Block environments
The Beamer class is equipped with several predefined commands and environments. It is worth remembering that we do not need to define the theorem environment. Here is a list of predefined commands.
To have a named environment, replace {~}
with desired names.
Sample block
Sample alertblock
Sample example
Sample theorem
\begin{theorem}[{Big Theorem}]
Sample named theorem
Itemize and enumerate
Lastly, Beamer comes with predefined symbols for the itemize and enumerate environments.
To override a symbol for an item, we can use \item [My symbol]
. For more about override, the symbols refer to
Here is a sample code and outcome.
\begin{frame}{Itemize and enumerate}
\item A
\item B
\item C
\item A
\item B
\item C