
  • Youngsu Kim, assistant professor of mathematics
  • High-performance computing initiative at CSUSB
  • Introduce high-performance computing;
  • Pacific Research Platform (PRP)
  • Role of HPC team


  • Dr. Sam Sudhakar, Vice President and Chief Information Officer

HPCI Team at ATI

High-Performance Computing

High-Performance Computing (HPC); from U.S. Geological Survey.

High Performance Computing most generally refers to the practice of aggregating computing power in a way that delivers much higher performance than one could get out of a typical desktop computer or workstation in order to solve large problems in science, engineering, or business.


  • Artificial integlligence, Virtual reality, Big data, Machine (deep) learning;

Is High performance computing better than my personal computer?

Answer: it depends...

Let's compare

  • Personal computers vs high-performance computing

Example Let's look at some cars.

Car1 Car2 Car3

Cars $\longleftrightarrow$ Personal computers

Car1 $\longleftrightarrow$ Desktop

Another type of cars


Formula 1 $\longleftrightarrow$ High-performance computing

F1 $\longleftrightarrow$ HPC

We have access to HPC! But...


Server Options (XSEDE and PRP) at CSUSB

  • Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) in 2015
  • Pacific Research Platform (PRP) in 2017; better suited for our faculty, more customizable

Super-computers, XSEDE, https://portal.xsede.org

---- excerpt from Dr. Owen's email on 4/7/2021

San Diego Supercomputer Center https://www.sdsc.edu/

  • SDSC Dell Cluster with NVIDIA V100 GPUs NVLINK and HDR IB (Expanse GPU): 2,500.0 GPU Hours
  • SDSC Expanse Projects Storage: 500.0 GB
  • SDSC Dell Cluster with AMD Rome HDR IB (Expanse): 50,000.0 Core-hours
  • SDSC Medium-term disk storage (Data Oasis): 500.0 GB

Necessary information to provide to start a project

  • Which supercomputing center(s) listed below you request, the estimated CPU and GPU hours needed, and (if any) requested amount of disc storage. [If you like, high performance computing consultants Dung Vu (DVu@csusb.edu) and James Macdonell (James.Macdonell@csusb.edu) can assist you in defining your resource needs.]
  • Before accessing the allocated resources, users need to refer the user’s guides for the relevant center(s):

Pacific Reserch Platform

CSUSB On-going Projects on Pacific Research Platform

Projects Departments faculty / RA Systems HPC Resources Requirements
Advanced Functional Materials Chemistry Joyce Pham/Asa Toombs,Valentin Acosta,Mayra Silva Barcenas,Katharine Stamm VASP Simulation PRP CPU+GPU
Ancient Egytian Wadi el-Hudi expedition History Kate Liszka, Bryan Kraemer MetaShape PRP, Pittsburgh CPU+GPU
Drone video Processing Art & Design Kurt Collins Trimble Realworks PRP CPU+GPU
Psychology Psychology Pablo Gomez R and Rstudio PRP CPU+GPU
Geological Sciences Geological Sciences Kerry Cato/Geo-Science students MetaShape QTmodeler PRP CPU+GPU
HPCI - Math Mathematics Youngsu Kim Macaulay2,Sage PRP CPU
  • This is the end of the general introduction to our high-performance comuting and Pacific Resrach Platform.

What's left?

What is command line?

  • Windows; ⊞ Win + R -> type "cmd" -> press return

  • Mac; ⌘ Command + Space bar -> type "terminal" -> press return

  • Linux ??

Win-R Mac-Sp

Good and Bad

Why not using GUI?

  • GUIs are more intuitive, but use more resources
  • Windows and GUI interface
    • Possible option, expanding, but can be a bit limited

How much do we need to know to start our project


  • This is a Python code which prints out
    • "Hello! This is Friday. I want beer."
  • As this may sound too simple and exciting,
    let's say we add two number 1 and 2.
print("This is Friday. I want beer.")

Running it on my computer vs using the HPC server

Local machine

My local computer, once we install Python, we can do this.

In [2]:
print("This is Friday. I want beer.")
print("1 plus 2 is", 1+2)
This is Friday. I want beer.
1 plus 2 is 3

On the server

Let's explore it on the server;

Goal: Run Python script (code) on the server

Caveat: We need to choose and set up the system.

We need

  • Python complier
  • An OS to run Python; e.g., Mac OS, Windows 10, Linux
    • Linux is available on the server; However, Windows support is there.
    • Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution.

To run Python on Ubuntu on PRP

we need to use Python installed Ubuntu image on PRP


Program Python Python
OS Mac OS Linux image
Computer Macbook Server

What is (virtual machine) image

  • On Pc, Parallels Desktop is popular; installs everything
  • On PRP, common parts of the OS system is stored,
    • One can use images from
    • Docker Hub;
    • To use/send this image on the server, we need Kubernetes
  • Concept of container
  • As usual, technical things can be skipped or ingored

Three ways to connect

  • Terminal
  • GUI
  • Jupyter Notebook

Compatibility of Software/Program

  • Software available in Linux is easy to implement on the server
  • Several programs are possible; Dung Vu and James Macdonell
  • Licensed software; "yes"

Our HPC team will

  • help you to set up
  • test programs
  • provide a script so by copying and pasting it,
    • you will have a (virtual) image with your software installed,
    • it will run on the server and
    • save the outcome (data) you need.
  • Or we can provide a GUI environment.

What I can do in addition to the experts Dung Vu & James MacDonell's support are

  • I can visit your office or you can visit my office,
  • We can go over the set-up process (account/Kubernetes),
  • discuss which software to use,
  • test them out in my account, ...
  • Also, I keep track of record and progress

Thank you

  • Dr. Sam Sudhakar, Vice president and Chief Information Officer

HPCI Team at ATI

Image sources